AWS EC2 vs Google Compute Engine

October 04, 2021

AWS EC2 vs Google Compute Engine: Which one should you choose for your cloud infrastructure?

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations use IT resources. Instead of building and maintaining physical servers, businesses can now access cloud infrastructure and services through virtual servers. Two of the top players in cloud computing are AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine (GCE). In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased and data-driven comparison of AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine.


AWS EC2 offers a wide range of features, including customized Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), Elastic IP addresses, load balancing, automatic scaling, and easy integration with other AWS services. On the other hand, Google Compute Engine provides a similar range of features, such as customizable machine images, global load balancing, autoscaling, and easy integration with other Google Cloud services. In terms of features, both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine have similar capabilities.


One of the most crucial factors to consider when choosing a cloud computing provider is the pricing. AWS EC2 uses an on-demand pricing model based on the compute capacity and usage, while Google Compute Engine provides a pay-as-you-go pricing model. AWS EC2 offers three types of instances – On-demand instances, Reserved instances, and Spot instances. On-Demand instances are priced per hour, while Reserved instances have a one-time upfront payment and a lower hourly rate. Spot instances are the most cost-effective option but have the risk of being terminated by AWS when the spot price exceeds the bid price. On the other hand, GCE offers Sustained Use discounts that automatically discount the prices depending on the usage with no upfront payments. In conclusion, the pricing will vary based on the usage pattern, and both companies provide flexible options.


Performance is another critical factor to consider when choosing a cloud provider. AWS EC2 offers various instance types optimized for different workloads like general-purpose computing, memory-intensive, and compute-optimized tasks. AWS is known for its performance and offers an average transmission speed of 10 Gbps. Google Compute Engine, on the other side, offers similar capabilities, with fast boot times and excellent networking performance. Google Compute Engine offers up to 3.8 GHz per core that enables high processor speed which is comparable to AWS. In short, both AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine offer comparable performance.


In closing, choosing between AWS EC2 and Google Compute Engine is not an easy decision, but having a clear understanding of the features, pricing, and performance can help make an informed choice. Consider your specific business needs, compare pricing models, and analyze the performance metrics to make the best decision for your organization.

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